Data protection


Messe München GmbH (Munich International Trade Fairs) thanks you for visiting our website and for your interest in our company and our products. We take the protection of your private data seriously and we want you to feel comfortable when visiting our Internet pages. The protection of your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore it goes without saying that we comply with statutory provisions for data protection. Our employees are obligated to treat all information confidentially and they receive regular training in the areas of data protection and data security. In the sections below, we would like to briefly explain how we protect your data and what it means for you when you make use of our online offers.

Access data

When our Internet pages are called up, Messe München GmbH receives access data that is stored for protective purposes that basically allows us to identify you. This data includes

  • the name of your Internet service provider
  • the country you come from
  • the website you come from to visit us
  • the search term you use, if you come to our site via a search engine
  • the websites of ours that you visit
  • the user tool (web browser, operating system) you use to access us
  • files that you download from our site (e.g. PDF or Word documents)
  • the duration of your visit
  • the date and the time of your visit

This information is assessed by Messe München GmbH and allows us to optimize our offerings as a whole and to personalize the content specifically for you, e.g. recognize you as a return visitor to our Internet offering. If you have an existing data set, the new data can be allocated to this data set in many cases. Exclusively for security reasons, the IP address of the computer used to access the website will be stored for a period of one month.

Personal data

Personal data is individual pieces of information about the personal or material circumstances of a specific or specifiable natural person. It includes information such as your name and your postal or e-mail address. The only time we save personal data in addition to your access data is if you give us this information voluntarily, e.g. as part of a registration, a survey, a prize competition, a contact inquiry, an application for a newsletter or to process an online order. Moreover, personal data is used only to the extent necessary and only for the legally permissible purpose for which you gave your consent. To ensure the secure transmission of your data, Messe München GmbH employs encryption procedures in secure areas. This means that communication between your browser and our order system, for instance, cannot be read by others on the Internet. Incidentally, using our order system is regarded as consenting to the storage and use of your data by Messe München and its partners.

Passing on personal data to third parties

Messe München GmbH renders some of its services together with select partners. These partners are subject to the same strict statutory provisions for data protection as and are integrated into the data-protection concept of Messe München. Personal data is conveyed to state institutions and authorities only within the scope of statutory or judicial obligations.

Power of revocation

If you request in writing that Messe München GmbH or the representative responsible for you correct, cease from using or delete your personal data, we shall of course do so immediately. If you are registered as a user, we also offer you the opportunity to view the data for yourself and delete or change it if necessary.


General information about cookies

Cookies are small text files that are used by many websites in Germany and around the world. Cookies are created when you visit our website and are deposited on your hard drive by our server. Our cookies do not contain any personal data. Cookies deposited by our servers can only be read by us and not by any other website. Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. If you do not want to use the advantages of cookies, you can deactivate this function in your browser. Please note the various settings that are possible for your browser. Naturally, you can also view our website without cookies. However, doing so may limit the functions that are available to you on our site.

Conversion tracking

Tools provided by third parties are used on this website for analysis purposes. These tools measure how effective advertisements are at addressing the user (aka “conversion tracking”).

When you click on an advertisement of one of the third-party providers listed below, a cookie for conversion tracking is deposited on your computer. If you visit a certain Internet site, the third-party provider and we can recognize that you clicked on the ad and were redirected to that site. This makes it possible for us to collect data that is important for our advertising activities. Where applicable, it tells us the total number of users that clicked on an advertisement, the length of their stay, their operating system, device model, location, payment transactions made and which mobile app functions have been used. However, it does not give us any personal information regarding the user's identity.

If you do not wish to participate in this form of conversion tracking, you can decline to have the necessary cookie placed on your system by setting your browser to generally deactivate the automatic placement of cookies. For example, you can use your Internet browser's “do not track” (DNT) option.

We work with the following third-party providers within the scope of our conversion tracking activities:

  • bing Ads Conversion Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA, is available here.
  • Firebase Analytics für Apps
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Firebase, Inc., 22 4th St. Suite 1000 (10th Floor), San Francisco, CA 94103, USA, is available here.
  • Ligatus Conversion Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Ligatus GmbH, Hohenstaufenring 30-32, 50674 Köln, is available here.
  • etracker
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of etracker GmbH, Erste Brunnenstraße 1, 20459 Hamburg, is available here. The collection and storage of data by etracker may be revoked with future effect at any time.
  • Outbrain Conversion Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Outbrain Inc., 39 West 13th Street, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10011, USA, is available here.
  • “DoubleClick by Google” (Accuen Conversion Pixel)/Google Adwords Conversion Pixel
    “DoubleClick by Google” is a service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). “DoubleClick by Google” uses cookies to display advertising based on your interests. To do so, it assigns your browser a pseudonym identification number (ID) which is used to check which ads have been displayed in your browser and which ads have been accessed. The cookies do not contain any information that could be traced back to you. The use of DoubleClick cookies allows Google and its affiliate sites to display ads based on previous visits to our or other websites on the Internet. The information generated by the cookies is transmitted by Google to a server in the USA for analysis and stored there. Google does not transmit data to third parties unless required to do so by law or if third parties are processing the data on behalf of Google. Under no circumstances will Google associate your data with any other data collected by Google.

You can prevent the storage of cookies using an appropriate setting in your browser software. Please note that if you do this, some features of our websites may no longer function properly. In addition, you can also prevent the collection of the data generated by the cookies about your use of the websites and the processing of that data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under “DoubleClick Opt-out Extension” at the following link.

Additional information about data protection and cookies from Google is available here.

  • Twitter Conversion Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA, is available here.
  • Seeding Alliance Conversion Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Seeding Alliance GmbH, Lichtstr. 25, 50825 Köln, is available here. The collection and storage of data by Seeding Alliance may be revoked with future effect at any time.
  • LinkedIn Conversion Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale CA 94085, USA, is available here.
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG, Riesstraße 25, 80992 München, is available here.
  • Sizmek Conversion Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Sizmek, Inc., USA, is available here.
  • Facebook Conversion Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Facebook, Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, is available here.
  • Aumago Retargeting Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Aumago GmbH, Neue Schönhauser Str. 20, 10178 Berlin, is available here. Users can either delete cookies directly in their browser, edit their cookie preferences at or deactivate Aumago's cookies at at any time.
  • Quantcast Conversion Pixel
    Additional information regarding data privacy and the cookies of Quantcast Deutschland GmbH, Leopoldstrasse 23, 80802 München, is available here. Users can also switch off Quantcast cookies at any time at

Other tools for marketing and optimization purposes

We also use the following tools for marketing and optimization purposes:

  • Google Adwords Remarketing Pixel
    Using the Google Inc. (“Google”) Remarketing or “Similar target groups” function allows us to direct targeted advertisements to visitors of the website by offering interest-based advertisements that have been personalized for visitors of our site when they visit other sites in the Google Display network. Google uses so-called “cookies” to analyze usage of the website, which is the basis for interest-based advertising. To do so, Google saves a small file with a numeric sequence in the browser of the website's visitors. This number is used to record the number of visits to the website and anonymous data about the website's use. No personal data of the website's visitors is recorded.

    If you visit another website in the Google Display network after being at our site, you will be shown advertisements that very likely take into account product and information sites that have been called up in the past. You can permanently deactivate the use of cookies by Google by clicking on the following link and then downloading and installing the plug-in that you find there: Alternatively, you can deactivate the use of cookies by third parties by calling up the deactivation site of the Network Advertising Initiative at and following the opt-out instructions there.
  • Additional information about Google Remarketing and Google's data privacy policy is available here:
  • Google Tag Manager
    Google Tag Manager is a solution that allows us to manage various website tags from a user interface. The Tag Manager tool itself (which implements the tags) is a cookie-less domain and does not record any personal data. The tool triggers other tags that record data in some circumstances. Google Tag Manager does not access this data. If a deactivation was made at the domain or cookie level, it remains in place for all tracking tags that are implemented with Google Tag Manager.
  • Quantcast Remarketing Pixel
    Quantcast provides us with a service for audience measurement and for advertising purposes. Using Quantcast Remarketing allows us to address those who visit our website in a targeted manner. Quantcast associates the information about your use of the website or the app with a unique identifier (your cookie ID), not your name, your e-mail address or your telephone number. Additional information is available in the Quantcast Privacy Policy. You may opt out of advertising and data collection by Quantcast at any time:
    Additional information about Quantcast and the Quantcast Privacy Policy is available at:
  • Eloqua
    We use the Eloqua service for optimal communication with our customers. The Eloqua servers of our service provider, ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG, Riesstrasse 25, 80992 Munich, Germany, are located in the EU. In the context of support and administration services, we cannot rule out the possibility that in individual cases, individual employees of the Oracle Corporation outside of the EU may have access to user data in the course of providing contractually obligated services. As a precautionary measure, we have ensured an adequate level of data protection from the Oracle Corporation, through sufficient guarantees as required by the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz). Eloqua will place a persistent cookie on each login page, if no Eloqua cookie is already present on your device. If you have already visited a website that uses Eloqua, then you may already have an Eloqua cookie. Eloqua cookies may be used to analyze how our sites are being used, so that we can continue to improve them. Emails that are sent using Eloqua make use of tracking technologies. We use these data primarily to find out what subjects are interesting for you, by determining whether our emails were opened and which links you clicked on. We then use this information to improve both the emails that we send to you and the services we provide, and to connect them with existing tracking or profiling information. To avoid the use of Eloqua cookies on your device in the future, you may visit the following link:

    If you do not want us to recognize your computer on subsequent visits (with cookies stored on the hard drive), you can also set up your browser to delete cookies, block all cookies, or warn you before a cookie is stored. If you do not accept cookies, you will not be able to use some of our services. In general, cookies allow us to determine who you are, and thus to offer you better and more personalized services.
  • LeadLab (wiredminds)
    We use products of wiredminds GmbH ( for marketing and optimization purposes. These products collect and process your personal data and use it to create usage profiles under a pseudonym. These usage profiles are fully anonymized where possible and appropriate. We and wiredminds employ cookies and/or Web beacons (also known as tracking pixels) on this website. We transfer the data we collect about you, which may also include personal data, to wiredminds or wiredminds gathers this data directly. wiredminds is entitled to use information that you leave behind by visiting our Web sites to create anonymized usage profiles. The data collected shall not be used to personally identify visitors to this website without the express permission of the party affected and shall not be merged with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym. Any IP addresses recorded are anonymized immediately by deleting the last number block. Permission to collect and store data in the future may be revoked at any time.
  • SalesViewer
    We have implemented SalesViewer® technology, owned by SalesViewer®, to gather and store data for research, marketing and optimization purposes. This data allows creating user profiles under fictitious names. Tracking scripts are being applied to help generate simple company information. This information can neither be used to personally identify a visitor of the website without his/her explicit permission, nor can personal information be associated with his/her fictitious name.
  • Opt-Out-Link:
    Generating and storing information can be denied at any time in the future. This way an opt-out-cookie for this particular website will be implemented on your device. In case you are deleting cookies in this browser you must click the above link again.
  • Lead Inspector
    We use products of Lead Inspector GmbH ( for marketing and optimization purposes. These products collect and process your personal data and use it to create usage profiles under a pseudonym. These usage profiles are fully anonymized where possible and appropriate. We and Lead Inspector employ cookies and/or Web beacons (also known as tracking pixels) on this Website. We transfer the data we collect about you, which may also include personal data, to Lead Inspector or Lead Inspector gathers this data directly. Lead Inspector is entitled to use information that you leave behind by visiting our Websites to create anonymized usage profiles. The data collected shall not be used to personally identify visitors to this Website without the express permission of the party affected and shall not be merged with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym. Any IP addresses recorded are anonymized immediately by deleting the last number block.

    Permission to collect and store data in the future may be revoked at any time.

Other active content (e.g. Javascript, ActiveX)

Javascript, ActiveX and other website control elements and script languages that contain executing elements can be deactivated at any time for security reasons using your browser. Our web pages are still navigable without Javascript.


Some of Messe München's web pages contain links to other websites. We take all reasonable care to check these direct links. Messe München GmbH is not responsible for the content of the websites to which we link. Messe München GmbH is also not responsible for the content of websites with links to our website.


Messe München GmbH reserves the right to alter these guidelines for data protection at any time in compliance with the stipulations of data protection law.

Questions and comments

If you have any questions or recommendations about data protection at Messe München GmbH, please feel free to contact our data-protection officer by e-mail:

Messe München GmbH
Officer for Data Protection
81823 Munich

Tel.: +49 89 949-20720

Munich, March 2017